

Friday, March 22nd 2024

3 tech pioneers on the biggest AI breakthroughs – and what they expect will come next

Three leading AI experts, Mustafa Suleyman, Aidan Gomez, and Yann LeCun, foresee societal impacts from generative AI and LLM, such as healthcare productivity gains. They discuss the need to update the Turing Test to reflect AI advancements and predict significant economic reshaping in the next decade. Suleyman emphasizes AI's transformative potential, shared by Gomez and LeCun, both influential AI figures. Gomez, known for his work on ChatGPT, highlights AI's potential in healthcare, aiming to free up doctors' time significantly. Additionally, they suggest revisiting the Turing Test's relevance in today's AI landscape.

Scientists Gave AI an "Inner Monologue" and Something Fascinating Happened

Researchers from Stanford and "Notbad AI" collaborate on a model, Quiet Self-Taught Reasoner (Quiet-STaR), aiming to improve reasoning capabilities of AI by mimicking human inner monologue. The model shows its work and asks users to choose the most accurate response. Built on Mistral 7B, Quiet-STaR outperforms Meta's Llama model, improving accuracy to 47.2% with additional reasoning training. This advancement could bridge the gap between AI language models and human-like reasoning.

Scientists finally identified the cause of Earth's last ice age

This article discusses the origin of the ice sheets in the final ice age and their rapid expansion, focusing on recent research by University of Arizona experts shedding light on glacial-interglacial cycles. The study proposes a mechanism for the swift ice sheet expansion in the Northern Hemisphere during the last ice age, applicable to previous glacial periods. It also explores the impact of ocean gateways in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago on ice sheet formation in Scandinavia.


Artificial intelligence is gaining ground, and I'm not talking about a sleight of hand. In this world where technology is progressing at a breakneck speed, I find myself torn between admiration and caution. The Silicon Valley gurus, who herald revolutions through AI, seem to forget that behind the machines, there are humans. I think about my experience with AI, my love-hate relationship with it, my desire to push it to its limits while striving not to lose my soul.

When I fed an AI an "inner monologue," I tried to engage in a dialogue with it, to see how far we could go before I started to perceive the limits of its intelligence. It's as if I were looking at myself in a distorted mirror, where the contours of my thoughts merge with those of the machine. I wonder if we are not creating tools in our own image, or if we are not trying to see ourselves in them. The line between creating and becoming is thin, and I'm not sure if we are ready to hear the answer.

The discovery of the causes of the last ice age reminds me that we are still dependent on our planet. We can program the future, decode the past, but we are not masters of natural forces. I believe it's important not to lose sight of where we come from, that our quest for knowledge, whether fueled by AI or our curiosity, aims to position us in the universe. Perhaps wisdom lies as much in recognizing our limitations as in celebrating our capabilities.

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