

Saturday, March 23rd 2024

No 'human era' in Earth's geological history, scientists say

A top panel of geologists has decided not to grant the 'human age' its own distinct place in Earth's geological timeline after disagreeing over when exactly our era might have begun. Despite the rejection, the Anthropocene will remain a widely used term to describe human impact on the Earth system. The decision, upheld by the International Union of Geological Sciences, saw four votes in favour, 12 against, and three abstentions. Some committee members raised concerns about the voting process and lack of due process, but the union denied these allegations.

A quel point l’ebook est écolo ?

The article discusses the environmental impact of ebooks versus paper books, with conflicting studies commissioned by e-reader manufacturers and paper book publishers. It questions the validity of the ADEME's claim that a 300-page paper book has a carbon footprint 10 times lower than an ebook. An important missing entity is the comparison of the carbon footprint of a web page, which is estimated at 5g of CO², equivalent to an ebook. The ADEME's webpage, weighing about 5 MB, is said to pollute as much as a paper book.

Mars declared unsafe for humans to live as no one can survive for longer than four years

Astronomers aim to get humans to Mars soon, despite it being deemed uninhabitable. NASA plans to send humans following successful robot missions, exploring Mars for potential past life clues. Researchers from UCLA, MIT, Moscow’s Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, and GFZ Potsdam studied radiation impact on Mars missions. They found that while spacecraft could protect astronauts during travel, long-term stay on Mars is not feasible due to excessive radiation exposure. The best departure time is during peak solar activity to shield astronauts from dangerous particles.


Humanity seeks its place, even within stone. The article on the Anthropocene catches my attention. We want to inscribe our era in geology, but we cannot agree on the beginning of our influence. I think of the discussions on the definition of man in 'New Scientist'. Three hypotheses, and still no consensus. Why do we want to leave a mark when we are destined to disappear, as evidenced by my return to paper books, a practice that has become anachronistic in a digital world?

The debate on the ecology of ebooks versus paper books reflects my own contradictions. On one hand, I strive to reduce my carbon footprint, on the other hand, I am a technophile, as evidenced by the annual redesign of my blog. The article on eco-friendly ebooks raises an essential question: are we making informed ecological choices, or are we drowning in a flood of contradictory information, never truly understanding the consequences of our actions?

Mars, the colonization of other planets fascinates me as much as it frightens me. The article on the uninhabitability of Mars for humans brings me back to my idea of sending human embryos into space. We want to go further, even if scientists warn us. We are like sorcerer's apprentices, manipulating nature without always measuring the effects.

Ultimately, our desire to leave a mark, on Earth or elsewhere, reflects our aspiration to surpass our mortality. But we are often torn between our conflicting desires, between progress and conservation. Perhaps we should accept our impermanence, be content with having been, without always seeking to endure at all costs.

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