

Thursday, March 21st 2024

Can epigenetic reprogramming reverse aging?

Recent review proposes new theory to determine whether epigenetic reprogramming can restore youthful epigenetic information and reverse aging. Aging research has identified twelve hallmarks, including mitochondrial function decline, stem cell loss, and telomere shortening. Biomarkers track age-related changes. Information Theory of Aging (ITOA) applies Claude Shannon's concepts to explain aging similarities despite unique genomes. ITOA suggests a storehouse of youthful epigenetic information within cells, restoring gene expression for cellular identity. The theory is used in developing therapies for age-related conditions. Mutations causing epigenetic changes may drive aging more than genetic mutations, allowing old cells to be epigenetically reprogrammed to a more youthful state.

Obsidian blades with food traces reveal 1st settlers of Rapa Nui had regular contact with South Americans 1,000 years ago

Researchers found starch grains on obsidian blades at Anakena, Rapa Nui, indicating a fusion cuisine of Polynesian and South American plants consumed by early settlers a millennium ago. The island, known for moai statues, was settled by people with uncertain origins, possibly from Polynesia and South America. A deep dive into ancient food resources revealed consumption of fish, seals, and various plants like breadfruit, cassava, taro, and sweet potato. The obsidian blades were multipurpose tools used for cutting and processing plants.

Ancient canoes hint at bustling trade in Mediterranean 7000 years ago

Neolithic Italian canoes, up to 10 meters long, were made from hollowed trees and used for trade across the Mediterranean Sea. Scientists found five boats with advanced seafaring technology in a freshwater lake, suggesting bustling trade among Mediterranean farming communities. The canoes, dating back more than 7000 years, were discovered at the La Marmotta site near Rome, with well-preserved wooden buildings. The boats featured transverse reinforcements and towing accessories, enabling the transportation of people, animals, and goods. The team identified the tree types used for the canoes through microscopic analysis: alder, oak, poplar, and beech.


Immortality, a quest as ancient as humanity itself, but at what cost? I do not know. Research on epigenetic rejuvenation leads me back to my own reflections on aging, to my struggle against time, to my quest for eternal youth. On one hand, the possibility of restoring epigenetic information to reverse aging makes me dream of a life without end. On the other hand, I wonder what it truly means to live eternally.

The discovery of Rapa Nui, revealing exchanges between the island's early inhabitants and South Americans a thousand years ago, reminds me of my travels, my meals in Iceland, and how we are all interconnected. It makes me think of reputation, of information, and how our perception of the world and its history is constantly reshaped by new data. We are deeply rooted in a common past, a network of human interactions that transcends borders and eras.

The history of Neolithic canoes in Italy, bearing witness to a flourishing Mediterranean trade 7,000 years ago, fascinates me. It evokes mobility, ingenuity, and how our ancestors faced the challenges of their time with technologies that, though we may find them rudimentary, were revolutionary. It makes me think of the importance of balance, of moderation, in art, in science, in life. We are all explorers, seeking our truth, navigating the oceans of time, with the hope of leaving a mark. The magic lies in our ability to bring the past back to life and dream of the future, all while staying grounded in the present.

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