

Thursday, March 14th 2024

Intelligence artificielle : un accord de partenariat entre « Le Monde » et OpenAI

Le Monde has signed an agreement with OpenAI to enhance ChatGPT. The partnership includes training AI models and utilizing response services. The French media will also be able to leverage OpenAI's technologies for its own projects. The agreement allows OpenAI to use Le Monde's content as a reference for ChatGPT, with specific links and logos. Content from news agencies and photos from Le Monde will not be included.

Let’s not make the same mistakes with AI that we made with social media

Social media's unregulated evolution over the past decade offers valuable lessons for AI companies, aiming to avoid repeating similar mistakes. Five harmful attributes of social media, including advertising and surveillance, also apply to AI. Both Google and Facebook are banking on AI to maintain their dominance in the online advertising market, while other tech giants like Microsoft and Amazon see AI as a means to capture a larger share of this market. AI-powered ads are touted as more effective, with promises of personalized campaigns and improved ad content through AI algorithms. The potential risks of advertising within AI chatbots are concerning, as users may struggle to differentiate between genuine recommendations and paid promotions.

Scientists Surprised to Realize Red Dots in James Webb Images Are Black Holes

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope discovers tiny red dots in the oldest parts of the universe, revealing "baby" stages of supermassive black holes. These small versions of massive black holes challenge current theories on black hole formation. The team aims to uncover how these early-stage black holes evolve over billions of years. These "baby quasars," smaller and dust-obscured, may hold the key to understanding the rapid growth of supermassive black holes. The team's findings are based on observations from the EIGER experiment.


The future is a matter of technology and ambition. It is built with a daring that borders on arrogance. I observe, I criticize, I question. The agreement between Le Monde and OpenAI reminds me of my fascination with AI, but also my concerns. I use ChatGPT, I test it, I question it, but I remain cautious. This partnership signals an integration of AI into our media, a step closer to an era where the boundary between creator and tool blurs. I remember my own experiments, my desire to push the boundaries of creation, while wondering where we are headed.

Social networks should warn us about the pitfalls of AI, especially in advertising. The promise of more targeted ads through AI, mentioned in the article, reminds me of how technologies shape our interactions and perceptions. Behind every innovation lies a potential for manipulation, a risk that our desires and thoughts may be influenced by algorithms designed to maximize engagement, not necessarily our well-being. I recall my distrust of tech giants, my skepticism towards those who claim to know us better than we know ourselves.

The discovery of young black holes by the James Webb telescope reminds me of our thirst for knowledge, our taste for the unknown. I remember my wonder at the universe, its mysteries, our relative insignificance, and yet our ability to explore and discover. There is so much left to learn, so much to discover. Humility should be our guide in this exploration, whether cosmic or intellectual.

The future is woven from our ambitions, our technologies, and our quest for meaning. It is essential to navigate this era with a keen awareness of our tools and their consequences, while keeping our eyes open to the vastness of the universe. Like a black hole, the future swallows our certainties, leaving us facing the immensity of what we do not know.

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