

Tuesday, March 5th 2024

Février 2024, journal

A twenty-year-old dance exam found on a VHS cassette reveals a clear technical progression. The video shows amusing mistakes, especially in pirouettes; nevertheless, the performance is delivered with enthusiasm. The velvet leotards and the music from Amélie Poulain evoke a bygone era in classical dance.

We May Finally Know How The First Cells on Earth Formed

Researchers at The Scripps Research Institute find that phosphorylation, a chemical process, may have played a crucial role in the formation of the membranes of the first cells. This discovery sheds light on the chemical environments of early Earth, aiding the understanding of life's origins and evolution. By replicating early Earth conditions in the lab, the team successfully created protocell-like structures using fatty acids and glycerol. These findings suggest a plausible pathway for the development of phospholipids, contributing to the ongoing exploration of life's beginnings.

2023, moments choisis

This habit of taking a personal photo every day disrupts my temporal perception, punctuating my memory with anchors slowing down the flow. Revisiting these 365 capsules, gratitude for past moments emerges, from joys to challenges. As I look forward to 2024, moved by the abundance of captured memories, amidst happiness and trials. By capturing 2024 at dawn, I am eager to see the highly enriching gallery grow. The most listened to track in 2023, "London" by The Exploding Boy, evokes a happy memory.

Could this be bigger than OpenAI? Microsoft invests billions in French startup — Mistral AI is a multilingual maestro that's almost as good as ChatGPT 4

Microsoft, known for its AI investments, collaborates with French startup Mistral AI, introducing the Mistral Large model on Azure. This versatile commercial model excels in code, math, and multilingual document processing. The collaboration focuses on supercomputing infrastructure, market scaling, and AI R&D. Microsoft provides Azure AI supercomputing for Mistral's models, accessible through Azure AI Studio. This partnership aims to drive AI progress globally.


Life, this strange dance on the stage of the universe, always seems to find its way, even in the most improbable conditions. As I delve into these articles, I cannot help but see a common thread, a kind of intricate choreography between science, technology, and our relentless quest for understanding and creation. Just like in a twenty-year dance exam, where despite mistakes, enthusiasm ensures the performance, science and technology progress, sometimes clumsily, but always with a certain grace towards a better understanding of our world.

The discovery of the role of phosphorylation in the formation of the first cells on Earth, for example, is a spectacular pirouette in our understanding of the origin of life. It resonates strangely with my reflections on life as an almost spontaneous mechanism, a dance of molecules orchestrated by the right conditions. This idea of a universal life, of a continuous flow fueled by the stars, finds an echo in scientific research, suggesting that we are indeed a concentration of vital energy, a temporary wonder in the vastness of the universe.

On the other hand, Microsoft's investment in Mistral AI, this French open-source AI, and the habit of taking a photo every day, are manifestations of our desire to immortalize and understand our existence. As I have explored in my journals, whether through photographic memory or outsourcing a part of the creative process to an AI, we seek to leave a mark, to give meaning to our ephemeral passage. These efforts to capture, understand, and even prolong our existence, whether through science, technology, or art, are all attempts to dance with time, to play with the limits of our understanding and creativity.

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